As an authorized Rhino Linings applicator, you have the ability to be a one stop shop for both initial bed liner installations as well as renew-work down the line. “Like-new” applications can  create repeat customers and improve overall customer loyalty.

Rejuvenating an older bed liner is cost effective and can have dramatic effects on its looks and physical longevity. Just like all cars and trucks need a good wash and wax every now and again, bed liners require similar treatment to retain all of their good qualities.

By Ben Alden, Rhino Linings Technical Service Representative

As an authorized Rhino Linings applicator, you have the ability to be a one stop shop for both initial bed liner installations as well as renew-work down the line. “Like-new” applications can  create repeat customers and improve overall customer loyalty.

Rejuvenating an older bed liner is cost effective and can have dramatic effects on its looks and physical longevity. Just like all cars and trucks need a good wash and wax every now and again, bed liners require similar treatment to retain all of their good qualities.

The Renewal Process

Option 1

Use Rhino Shine™ Ultra for slightly faded bed liners.

Option 2

For an older, faded liner with some minor wear, there’s a fairly simple renewal procedure:

  1. Pressure wash and clean surface using car wash detergent or Simple Green® All-Purpose Cleaner
  2. Let air dry
  3. Repair any damaged areas
  4. Apply adhesion promoter
  5. Add light texture (around 15 strokes of product with an E-XP1 machine)
  6. Apply 2 light coats of black polyaspartic FastFloor® coating to entire liner surface and allow 1 hour to dry
That’s all there is to it. It’ll come out looking like a brand new liner, which your loyal customers will love.

Need More Tips?

If you’d like some additional technical tips on the process of renewing an older bed liner, don’t hesitate to contact a technical representative. We’re here to help you in any way we can so you can get the most out of your business.