HardLine® provides superior high-level chemical resistance and protection against impact, abrasion and corrosion for pipes, containment structures and surfaces requiring maximum protection. It is a two-component, 100% solids (no VOCs, no solvents), exothermic, rapid curing, elastomeric polyurethane lining system. It can be applied with either low or high-pressure equipment.
HardLine has a Shore D 55 (ASTM D2240) hardness and a 50-80% (ASTM D412) elongation for the 2:1 ratio formulation and 125-175% (ASTM D412) elongation for the 1:1 ratio formulation which is designed for harder surface protection and has excellent chemical resistance. HardLine 21-55-120 is formulated with a slow gel time allowing for a smooth surface spray or casting of products.

- Casting material for material handling eq. (chutes, hoppers, rollers)
- General purpose lining applications
- Truck beds requiring hard as nails protection
- High impact applications
- Material handling and flooring applications where products or vehicles side across a surface
- Primary & Secondary Chemical Containment
- Water and Wastewater Facilities
- Sedimentation Basins
- Pump Stations
- Pipes – Outside
- Light vehicular and foot traffic
- High tensile strength and tear strength properties
- Very good abrasion and impact resistance
- Good chemical resistance
- Excellent corrosion resistance
- Good noise reduction