WB Epoxy Color is a pigmented, waterborne, general purpose epoxy primer/coating using 1:1 (equal) volumetric mixing of resin and hardener that is easy to mix, easy to use and provides superior hide and coverage. It is applied over concrete and other substrates by brush, roller or spray equipment. WB Epoxy Color dries quickly (60 – 120 minutes) and can be used as an intermediate coating or as a standalone sealer. WB Epoxy Color contains a unique “lacquer dry” (dust free) cure allowing it to be recoated quickly. It has a long working time (3 hours) which allows larger batches to be mixed. WB Epoxy Color cleans up easily with soap and water from hands and tools.
- Long working time of 3 hours and quick dry to touch
- Can be applied by roller, brush, squeegee or airless spray
- Can be applied over damp surfaces
- Easy to use
- Economical coating
- Light odor system